Lis Korsgren Tapestry


No snow yet, a few degrees below freezing,

More colors are needed, almost like those you can see outdoors.

April - June

Water in shadow and water in light

What are the colors of stones? That depends. The stone bridge has the same colors as the stonepebbles under the fallen leaves;

 Different hues of pink, violet, brown, blue and green in pretty much the same value.

January February

No more water to weave, no more stones to weave; but chestnut trees, lots of chestnut trees in bloom.

Summer was wonderful, now back to work.... wonderful!

September October

The shadow under the bridge turns the water dark in hues of dark green and dark blue, and again beyond the bridge the water is still and reflects buildings by the small river.

January 2014

A new tapestry is on its way, 220 cm wide and 200 cm high, (87in x 79 in) Lots of yarn is dyed in new colors and a new warp is twined on the spinning-wheel.

This time I´ve chosen a motive from Uppsala; the bridge named ”Dombron” built in1760.

The name of the tapestry will be ”Stenbron” - ”The Stone Bridge”


The weaving progresses, still more yarn needs to be dyed. Again, some of them resembles the colors of the landscape in our neighborhood.

Björkliden by Torneträsk, above the north polar circle.


Beautiful glossy yarn, a mix of wool from the Rya Sheep and the Leicester-sheep has arrived from Wålstedt Textile Dyed some yarn immediately.

Flowing water and still water catches the sunlight

November December

This is the time of the year with few hours of daylight during the day. The arch of the bridge is now woven.

New year, new colors outdoor and indoor. More green yarn needs to be dyed.

Visited Skals, Denmark, for one week. Skals Höjskolen for design og handarbeide.

 Beautiful blue colors outside my window. Came home with some beautiful yarn in silk and linen in colors I need.


Above and beyond the bridge are chestnut trees in bloom. Some are in the shadow yet others catches the sunbeams, leading the light all the way down to the river.

What are the colors of chestnut flowers?When you think of them you recall that there are white as well as pink hues on them, but shadow and light changes their colors; the ones leaning down towards the little river are almost brownish! How shadow and light changes the colors always fascinates me. Therefor; no pink chestnut flowers in this tapestry, most of them are silver-colored!

yes! ready to cut!

This is what a newborn tapestry looks like!

The old stone bridge, 2015, by Lis Korsgren

Today this bridge is the eldest in Uppsala. It is the spot one believes is the spot for the very first bridge in the town.

The first bridge on this spot mentioned in writing was a gift of King Magnus Ladulås in1286. That one was made of wood.


Summer - Midnight Sun

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